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Genealogy Data Page 47 (Notes Pages)

Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Karen Eilola
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Mussells, Thomas (b. 28 AUG 1820, d. 25 OCT 1866)

Note: Abstract of Wills

882. Page 61, R: 04 Dec 1866: LA to Susan MUSSELS, his widow, for the estate of Thomas MUSSELS,
late of Granville. Estate Folio M129 (1866): He died 25 Oct 1866.
Reference: 963

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Mussells, Margaret (b. 17 FEB 1815, d. ?)
Reference: 964

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Sederquist, Margaret (b. 1 OCT 1812, d. AFT 1891)
Reference: 965

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Mussells, William (b. , d. BET 18 APR 1829 AND 30 APR 1831)
Note: William came to granville as a loyalist in 1783

A Geography and History of the County of Digby Nova Scotia, pp. 69-72

Before recording further developments, the early general
events connected with the settlemeuts will be noticed The
following explains itself : In Council, Halifax, March 29, 1784,
The Governor presented a Memorial from certain persons, in
behalf of themselves and other Loyalists who had recently arrived
in this Province from New York, soliciting provisions, as they
were suffering for want of life's necessaries. After due consider- •
ition a copy of the Petition was directed to be sent to Major
General John Campbell, Commander of the Imperial Tioo'ps,
requesting that he would issue Orders for Compliance, until the
Royal pleasure should be known, as it was evident they must be
reduced to the greatest, indigence, unless another allowance be
immediately furnished. In accordance with these circumstances
and entreaties, General Campbell appointed John Robinson,
Esquire, to enumerate the.. Qolo.njs.ts. asking relief, comprising
name of head of each lamily and other particulars concerning the
settlements. His Reports for this County are here given :—
ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, July 18, 1784.
Sir,—Having received Major-General Campbell's Instructions
to muster the disbanded Caps, and Loyalists at Annapolis, Digby,
and the places adjacent, after consulting with the Commanding
Officer at Annapolis on the most speedy and effectual method of
performing that duty, I proceeded to Digby, and on the 29th of
May, mestered the Loyalists and other settlers there. I have the
honour to enclose a copy of the Muster Rolls, and a list of those
whose claims I have suspended. It will not appear from them
that I have excluded many from the Royal Bounty ; however, I
must observe that a great number applied for provisions, whose
claims I thought so very unreasonable, that I rejected them without
inserting their names in the Muster Rolls. The servants
included in the Muster Rolls are such as would be entitled to
provisions were they not allowed it in that capacity—and I have
given it to no others.
I thought it my duty to observe, that the Loyalists settled at
Digby are extremely industrious, and have exerted themselves to
the utmost of their abilities in improveing the settlement, by
which means it is already in a flourishing condition; and it is
probable, from the goodness of the Harbour, and its advantageous
situation, it will become a place of consequence.
In the course of the Muster I have endeavoured to comply
with the spirit of my Instructions ; and hope my proceedings
will meet with the General's approbation."
To " I have the honour to be," ' Sir, &c.,
Private Secretary for JOHN ROBINSON."
Major-General Campbell.
Then follows the annexed headed :
Thomas Ward, 6 ; George Hollingshead, 1 ; Anthony Hollingshead, 6 ; * Joseph Haggles, 1 ;* George Bain, 4; Joseph
Cronck, 9 ; Thomas Craine, 1 ; James Craige, 5 ; James Edgar,
7 ; Stephen Fountain, 2 ; Alexander Graham, 2 ; Stephen Goldsmith,
1; Richard Grogan, 3 ; Martin Johnson, 6; Frederick
Robinson 6 ; Henry Johnson, 1 ;* Henry Lebnrre, 1 ; Men to Le
Sage, 1 ; Thomas Langley, 1 ; John McGuire, 1 ; Jeremiah Moore,
5 ; Richard Marple, 5 ; *Henry Nieholls, (i ; Jonah Ward, 1 ;
Thomas Osbourn, 8; Jabez Osbourne, 1 ; Simon Pnrcell, 1 ;
Simeon Parker, 2 ; William Shea 5 ; Simon Van Vleck, 4; *
William Saunders, 6; Thomas Wall, 1; Adam Walker, o:
Anthony Flavell, 4 ; James Parkes 3 ; George Johnson, 3 ; James
Richards, 2 ; Widow Barrett, 1 ; Jacob Breware, 1 ; Christian
Breware, 4; Levi Van Cleke. 2;* Ephraim Ellis, o; Nicholas
Cobb, 2 ; * Jonathan Bishop, 1 ; Ezekisl Wilton, 2 ; John Hatch,
1; Elias Botner, 9 ; William McKinney, 5 ; Benjamin Petitt, 4;
Silas Pettit, 1; Dennis O'Reilly, 1 ; Chas. Richards, 1; Laurence
Johnson. 7 ; Edward Forrest, 1 ; Ebenezer Ward, 5 ; John Edison,
9 ; John Morford, 1 ; Peter Runyan, 1 ; Marshall Edison, 1 ;
James O'Haru, 2 ; James Pierson, 2 ; William Green, 1 ; James
Bradshaw, 1; John Ross, 1 ; Griffith Jenkins, 7 ; James Blanche,
2; *Nathaniel Bates, 2; Jacob Lazador, 5; * William Jornea, 1 ;
Nathaniel Butterfield, 1 ;* Maurice Welsh, 6 ; John Lewis, 1 ;
Patrick Haggerty, 7; Jonathan Clawson, 7 ; Reuben Clawson, 4; *
Isaac Longworth, 3 ; Joseph Merum, 15 ; *Thonms Watt, 2; Peter
Valleau, 1; Jane Cayford, 1; Sarah Cay ford, 1; William Totten, 3 ;
Joseph Totten, 2; *Benjamin Jones, 5; *Mary Jones, 1; 'Nathaniel
Jones,I; *Elishn Jones, 3 ; *Elizabeth Jones,1; * Abraham Van
Tassell, 8 ; Peter Cline, 1 ; Richard Pierce, 1 : Gabriel Briggs, 4 ;
William Acklenburgh, 2 ; Dougald McCastle, 7 ; *Michael Prime,
Jr., 1 ; Philip Shipley. 7 ; *Samuel Tidd. 2 ; John Page, 1 ; *James
Young, 1 ; Matthew Rollam, 1 ; Norris Grady, 1 ; Jane Parker, 1 ;
Joseph Johnson, 1 ; *Jonas Mead, 1; Brude Bachelor, 1 ; James
Totten, 1; Benjamin Lawrence, 1 ; Captain Richard Hill, 8 ; James
Hughston, 14 ; Thomas Grigg, 1 ; * James Marr, 9 ; John Hill,
6 ; *James A. Holdsworth, 2 ; *Thomas Holdsworth. 1 ; Nicholas
Johnson, 5; Robert Dickson, 5; *Martin Blackford, 1 ; Christopher
Harrison, 5 ; Thomas Harrison, 1; Robert Wilson, 1;
William Street, 1 ; * Jacob Cypher, 4 ; *Joseph Thomas, 1; Daniel
Burtnet, 1 ; *William Gilliland, 1 ; James Creighton, 1 ; Lawrence
Hortwicke, 5 ; John Austin, 1 ; *John Ross, 2; *Robert Ray, 6 ; *
Samuel Hitchcock, 7 ; Enoch Moulthrope, 1; David Cunningham, *
NoTB.—Name of head of each household is } ere given. The figure followi
each name denotes number composing the particular family. Where " 1 "
appears, th& person was unmarried. Those marked by an Asterisk are ancestors
of some of the present inhabitants m the County. 72 GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY

6 ; John Donnelly, 1 ; William Dezan, 1 ; Lawrence Thurston,.
6; *Ja.mes Ward, 5 ; *John Bragg, 2 ; John Lnndy, 1 ; Philip
Ramsay, 1 ; *Nat;haniel Stewart, 2 ; Widow Willimn Bull, 2 ;
James Aikins, 1: James Chubb, :{; Joseph Patterson, 11; John
Aikins, 2 ; John Burkt?t, 12 ; Edward Griffin, 2 ; *John Hitchcock,
1 ; Samuel AIcGee, 1 ; John Banshaw, 1 ; Derrick Harden-
bnrg, 1 ; * James Baxter, 5 ; Alexander Thompson, 6 ; Richard
Williams, 4 ; *Roliert Leonard, 8 ; William Lowlett, (should be
Loudett), 1; *Robert Gil more, 4; James Smith,I; *William
Grunt, 1 ; Michael Lincoln, 1 ; Andrew Snodgrass, 1 ; Andrew
Ladner, 1 ; John Murray, 1 ; *Willian: H. Letteney, 5 ; *Francis
Harris, 5 ; Zachariah Hill, 1 ; George Wood, 1 ; Jeremiah Mi I low,
1; Thomas Major!hanks, 7 : William Cross, 5 ; John Milligan,
1 ; Matthias Kelly, 2 ; Pierce Purcell, 2 ; John Brown, 5 ; William
Kingsland, 1 ; William Valentine, 1 ; *Robert Campbell, 2 ^
William Cudmore, 1; David Sowles, 1; William Cale, 1 ; Jeconial^
Huliome, (should probably be Jeremiah Holcomb, as he was
actually a Settler,) 3 ; Jacob Ott, 6 ; Samuel Hand, 1 ; *Abraham
Wilson, 3 ; James Darge, 1 ; *Neil McNeil, 5 ; *Isaac Titus, 7 *
Losey Titus, 7; *Joseph Smith, 5; William Burbanks, 1
Ebenezer Street, 3 ; Samuel Street, 2 ; John Flann. 3 ; *Edmun .
Titus, 2 ; *David Titus, 1 ; Michael Nugent, 3 ; James Irwin, 3 ;
Stephen Foreman, 5 ; Widow Patterson, 3 ; Patrick McNulty,
1 ; Dennis Dowling, 2•; John Bv" Moore, 6 ; *Jacob Frost, 2 ; *
Luke Hall, 1; Michael Grant, 1 ; John Jackson. 1; *Isaac
Bonnell, 2; *John Lewis, 5 ; *Samuel Warne, 4; Thomas
Gaunnell, 4 ; *Oliver Hicks, 4 ; Hannah Buskwait, 5 ; * Joseph
Thomas, 4; • Isaac Justison, 1 ; Jesse Richards, 1 ; Merial Tanner,
1 ; *Jacob Hall, 3 ; Joseph Land, 4; Henrv Leturgey, 5 ; *
Theodis Hunt, 2 : * Jacob Plumb, 1 ; Martin Rush, 1 ; Rachel
Bell, 3; Jeremiah Bell, 1; * Jesse Keen, 2; Peter Holton, 2.;
William Drake, 1 ; Benjamin Drake, 1 ; *Humphrey Wade, 6 ;
Lydia Halstead' 1 ; *John Wright, 1 ; * James Staunton, (now
called Stanton,) 2; Johnsidere Biere, 1; * Benjamin Hein. 7;
John Paul, 1 ; James Fisher, 1 ; Jane Darge, 1 ; Joseph
Sandes, 1 ; Andrew Bearman, 1 : *Richard Waggoner, 1 ; *
James WarringtoJi, 1.; Obediah Griffin, 2; Daniel Jenkins, 1 ;
Mrs. Nesbitt, 3 ; Peter Wjalters. 2; Elijah Sandford, 2 ; William
Walters, 1 ; * William rjannins, 1; Jacob Morris, 1 ; William
Howard, 1; *Henry Heitnigar, 1; Philip Whatman, 1 ; *Hugh
Pugh, 1; William Lunn, I ; Be.thel Welton, 1; * Andrew Fleet, I.;
William Oakes, 1; *Shubafel Smith, 1.; Widow. Mitchell, 4; James
Goslin, 1 : D,ay-id F,rane,i,^ 1; *,James^ Tayhjr, 4,^ Daniel Van
Velser, 7; *William Cossebcpom, 6,; Jereijiiah Berdiek, 3; *Samuel
Smith, 1; Emmanuel Randollar 7; *Micliael Bm'ns, 10 *Willian> Burns, 9; * Joseph Denton, 5; *Stophen Denton, 5; *Alexandt'r
Smith,4; Icbabod Jarvis,4 ; *Cornelius Ryerson, 1; Arthur Digey, (
probably Dingee, since latter did come to the Township,)1; James
Hales, 1 ; John McLeod, 1; *John McKay, 1; Robert Sherman,I ;
Jacob Starkin, 1 ; John Edwards, 1 ; James Triender, 1 ; John
Remsen, 1 ; *Frederick Hunt. 6 ; *Peter Harris, 1 ; John Comfort,
3 ; *Thomas Hunt, 1 ; Gershom Hilliard, 8/; Christopher
Tobias, 6 ; (prohably should "Christian" instead,) John McQueen,
3 ; *Francis Armstrong, 4 ; Samuel Walton, 9. ; *Archibald
Campbell, 2 ; *William Armstrong, 1 ; Daniel Tobias, 1 ; Thomas
Haire, 2 ; Jacob Ludlow, 1 ; Peter Brown, 1 ; Lemuel Evans 3 ;
Thomas Davenport 5 ; Isaac Hatfield 6 ; John Roome 8 ; John
Griggs, 3; Thomas Kipp, 4; Samuel Kipp, 1 ; Roger Pye, 5 ; *
Joel Holmes, 3 ; Hannah Hubbs, 1 ; Peter McMullen, 1 ; *John
Leonard, 1 ; William Davenport, 1 ; William R. Bull, 1 ; Thomas
Bayeux, 9; Joseph Siggets, 1; *Joshua Smith, 2; Francis*
Owens, 2 ; John Bice, 1 ; Alexander McGregor, 1 ; Catherine
Punt, 2 ; Joseph Wiederholdt, 1; Flemming Pinckston, 2 ; Jacob
Gisleas, 4 ; William Mussels, 1 ; Abraham Florentine, 4 ; Thomas
Hill, 5 ; Peter Long, 2; John Parr. 3 ; Widow Sachet, 1 ; *
Elizabeth Beaman, 3 ; William Chandler, 1 ; *Thomas Seaman,
1 ; *Ebenezer Beaman. 1 ; John Stump, 1 ; *Benjamin Stearns,
5 ; John Harrey, 2 ; Thomas Reid, 9 ; Joshua Roberts, 2 ; James
Jones, 3 ; *George Schriver, 1 ' Nnfhan Pyson, 1 ; (perhaps should!
be *" Nathaniel Payson;") John McDougall, 4 ; Thomas Green
2 ; Jacob Joraleman, 7 ; Patrick Waregan, 5 ; *Gilbert Post, 2 ;
Jehiel Ketchum, 5 ; Harmonious King, 1 ; James Barratt, 1 ;
Jacob Christ, 2 ; David Shook, 4 ; John Ratcham, 7 ; Henry-
Gray, 1 ; Robert Clarke, 2 ; Solomon Sizeland, 2 ; (should be
Sizeling;) *Abner Smith, 1 ; William Simpson, 1 ; *Thomas
Cousens, 1 ; Benjamin Skinner, 1 ; Peter Easton, 1 ; Phineas
Arnold, 1 ; Charles Ferguson, 1; *Isaac Roup, 3; Christopher
Roup, 1 ; *Jacob Roup, 1 ; *John Roup, 3 ; Helen Rhodes, 1 ;
Samuel Achton, 1 ; William Green, 4; *Charles Hincksman, 3 ;
Abashie Howe, 1 ; Robert Bignell, 3 ; John Colins, 1 ; Edward
Dennison, 1; Thomas Coaltam, 1 ; Thomas Townley, 2 ; *Balsor
Israel, 2 ; Willliam McGee, 2; Patrick Dennison. 3; *Joseph
Purdy, 1 ; *Daniel Purdy, 1 ; *Nathaniel Purdy, 1 ; William
Tennant, 1 ; *Samuel Thompson, 9 ; Jonathan Walton, 1 ; Peter
Hea'ton, 3 ; Ramaner Van Buren, 1 ; *Anthony Clawson, 3 ;
Tunis Le Furgg, 1 ; Abraham Tice, 1 ; Henry Rutherford,'6 ;
George Nash, 5J•; Amos Botsford, 7.

Abstracts of Wills:
221. Page 175, R: 30 Apr 1831: LWT of William MUSSELS of Township of Granville, Mariner, dated
18 Apr 1829. Admin granted to William MUSSELS and George WORSTER Jun. Grandsons: William
MUSSELLS Jun., James MUSSELLS and Thomas MUSSELLS (the youngest). Daughters: Margaret
MUSSELLS and Mary COVERT. (Note: the surname was spelled both ways). Estate Folio M51 (1831).
Reference: 966

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Mussells, Daniel (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 967

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Mussells, William (b. , d. 1822)
Reference: 968

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Mussells, Mary (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 969

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Sederquist, John (b. BET 1789 AND 1790, d. 7 AUG 1857)
Note: Abstract of Wills - Nova Scotia

757. Page 593, R: 09 Oct 1861: LWT of John SEDERQUIST of Granville, farmer, dated 13 May 1857.
Wife: Hannah. Children: Margaret G. MUSSELS, Henderson, George, Norman Harvey, Abigail Ann,
Elizabeth, Christianna, Rozelfas, George, Marian, Jesse, Eilinda and Emma Grace. Estate Folio S73
ID: I126714
Name: John Sederquest II
Sex: M
Birth: BET 1789 AND 1790 in Middle Granville, Annapolis Co., NS
Death: 7 AUG 1857
Baptism: 28 AUG 1791 age 1 yr.
Reference Number: AEK-126714
The following is from Diana Ledger database:
"From the New Brunswick Chronicle February 22,1845: "The masts reported in the Yarmouth paper as having been driven ashore at Chegoggin Point a few weeks since were examined by Capt. Mussels of Granville, NS., on 7th inst. who recognized the main mast as that of the schr. "Pearl" which left Boston December 7 and has not since been heard of . The persons who sailed in her from Boston were James Sederquist, of Digby, Capt. William Sederquist (Capt.'s brother) and John Papoon, French. James and William Sederquist drowned December 23, 1845 when their schooner was lost on the return trip from Boston to Granville where they had taken a cargo of pulpwood . Another son drowned a few months previous. "Yarmouth Past and Present" by Lawson: Schooner Pearl of Granville, drove ashore at Jegoggin Point a few days later and all on board perished. William Sederquist, the Captains brother died, James Sederquist from Digby.
Some of this was taken from the files of Thomas Sederquists of NH. 2003"
Reference: 970

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Daily, James (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 971

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Catherine, (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 972

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Bennett, Anthony (b. BEF 1665, d. ?)
Reference: 973

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Window, Richard (b. WFT Est 1630, d. ?)
Note: NEHGR - Vol 8, page 168 - discusses Anthony Bennett and 3rd wife Bridget
Reference: 974

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Bennett, Widow (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 975

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Bennett, _______ (b. , d. WFT Est 1665)
Reference: 976

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Bennett, Elizabeth (b. BEF 1665, d. ?)
Reference: 977

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Travers, Bridget (Widow of Travers) (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 978

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Window, Anne (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 979

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Bennett, Cordelia (b. 6 OCT 1827, d. 30 DEC 1888)
Note: Plummer Genealogy - speaks of Cordelia's marriage to John Porter Plummer and indicates that her parents were Joseph and Mehitable (Moulton) Benne
Reference: 980

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Plummer, John Porter (b. 26 SEP 1814, d. ?)
Note: Plummer Genealogy - page 202 speaks of marriage to Cordelia

Were living in Sweden Maine - Lovell - in the 1870 census
Reference: 981

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Holden, Sarah (b. 20 JUN 1821, d. 15 OCT 1854)
Reference: 982

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